Main » 2011 November 23 » 2 more won clanwars
20:02 2 more won clanwars | |
Dear visitors, today KekZ made 2 great result in clanwars versus the German Clan Nera|. One time we made a [DM] war and requently after that a [DD] war. Every time every team choosed 5 maps, so all in all it were 10 rounds per war. Both times we won 8-2 and I can say that I am really proud of our team that made a very well job! KekZ| Die KekZe - KekZ|Fynn - KekZ|StraighT - KekZ|2F@ST4U - KekZ|Chrome - KekZ|Malacha Nera| Racing - Nera|Timo - Nera|blub_xD - Nera|BockiMan - Nera|Cockie - Nera|SnaiipezZ Maps - [DM] Rafinha V10 - Skrillex - [DM] SebaS Vol.10 - A GreaT Adventure - [DM] Rafinha V7 - Luis Boss of the City - [DM] Vortex Vol.9 - A new Era - [DM] SebaS Vol. 12 - New World - [DM] Skotinka 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 - [DD] Cross Y - [DD] Cross ZY - [DD] Wankenstein ZM - [DD] Cross 28 - [DD] Cross S15 - [DD] Atmosfera - [DD] Zaya Training - [DD] Tokio - [DD] XzibiT ft. DmC - Cross DX - [DD] Cross ZL - [DD] Wankenstein DD KekZ| wins both times 8-2 !!! | |
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